Ghost Toast: Breakfast with a Boo

Why wait until dark to start Halloween fun? Your kids will love these seasonal specialties for breakfast, and you’ll be glad to use your cookie cutters for something more than additional sugar treats this time of year!

Ghost Toast

Cut whole wheat or rye toast into the shape of a ghost with a store bought cookie cutter, or eye-ball the shape with a knife if you can. Spread with whipped cream cheese and top with blueberries and/or raisins for the eyes and mouth.

Pineapple Pumpkin Toast

Add a small amount of orange food coloring to whipped cream cheese and spread on pumpkin shaped toast. (Use a pumpkin cookie-cutter or simple cut in a circle and use a small portion of the crust as the pumpkin stem.) Small triangles of pineapple work great for pumpkin eyes, or you can use clumps of raisins. For the mouth, you can use a row of raisins, or some black pastry gel.